The purpose of the theory of Turing machines is to prove that certain specific languages have no algorithm.
Start with a language about Turing machines themselves.
Reductions are used to prove more common questions undecidable.
Only decidable algorithm can have complexibility
$$ M=(Q, \Sigma, \Gamma, \delta, q_0, B, F) $$
$Q$: The finite set of states
$\Sigma$: An input alphabet
$\Gamma$: A tape alphabet (contains $\Sigma$)
$\delta$: A transition function.
The arguments of $\delta(q,X)$ are a state $q$ and a tape symbol $X$.
The value of $\delta(q,X)$ is either undefined or a triple $(p,Y,D)$, where:
$q_0$: A start symbol (in $Q$)
$B$: A blank symbols (in $\Gamma - \Sigma$)
$F$: A set of final states (in $Q$)