<aside> 💡 Composition

Also includes:

Important: SQL is based on bags (duplicates) not sets (no duplicates).

1. Aggregations

Functions that return a single value from a bag of tuples:

→ AVG(col) → Return the average col value.

→ MIN(col) → Return minimum col value.

→ MAX(col) → Return maximum col value.

→ SUM(col) → Return sum of values in col.

→ COUNT(col) → Return # of values for col.

Can almost only be used in the SELECT output list


2. Group By

Project tuples into subsets and calculate aggregates against each subset.

Non-aggregated values in SELECT output clause must appear in GROUP BY clause.

<aside> 💡 HAVING: Filters results based on aggregation computation.

Like a WHERE clause for a GROUP BY


3. String / Date / Time Operations