<aside> 💡 Data-Race-Freedom, DRF
A data race occurs when we have two concurrent conflicting operations
DRF programs have the same behaviors as in SC model
For DRF programs, the programmer does not need to worry that reorderings will affect her code. </aside>
Usability: DRF guarantee
Implementable → Not too strong
Out-of-thin-air(OOTA) behaviors → Preserve type-safety and security guarantee
Declarative Semantic → 给定行为,判定是否满足约束
Program execution → a set of events, and some orders between them.
po: program order; sw: synchronizes-with
Happens-before order (hb): transitive closure of $po \cup sw$
Read can see (1) the most recent write that happens-before it, or (2) a write that has no happens-before relation.