Basic domains
- $r ∈ Reg$ – Registers (local variables)
- $x ∈ Loc$ – Locations
- $v ∈ Val$ – Values including 0
- $i ∈ Tid = \{1, ... ,N\}$ – Thread identifiers
Expressions and commands
- e ::= r | v | e + e | ...
- c ::= skip | if e then c else c | while e do c |
c ; c | r := e | r := x | x := e |
r := FAA(x, e) | r := $\bold{CAS}(x, e_r, e_w)$ | fence
- FAA - Fetch and Add
- CAS - Compare and Set / Swap
- Fence can guarantee that all writes before are written to memory
P : Tid → Cmd, written as $P = c_1 ∥ ... ∥ c_N$
1. Thread subsystem
- Thread-local steps: $c, s →^l c' , s'$ .
- Interpret sequential programs.
- Lift them to program steps: $P, S →^{i:l} P' , S'$.