Parse trees are trees labeled by symbols of a particular CFG.
<aside> 💡 Yield
The concatenation of the labels of the leaves in left-to-right order (Preorder traversal)
We sometimes talk about trees that are not exactly parse trees, but only because the root is labeled by some variable A that is not the start symbol.
Call these parse trees with root A.
<aside> 💡 Basic idea of induction for trees: following the height of trees.
A CFG is ambiguous if there is a string in the language that is the yield of two or more parse trees.
Ambiguous: there is at least one string $w$ in $T^*$ for which we can find two different parse trees, each with root labeled $S$ and yield $w$.
Unambiguous: each string has at most one parse tree in the grammar
$$ \textrm{Ambiguity is a Property of \textcolor{darkorange}{Grammars}, not Languages} $$
There can be unambiguous grammar for the same language, for example, LL(1) Grammars.